Tourist Guide to Segovia Uncover Spain’s Hidden Gem



Fiesta de San Lorenzo in Segovia

Segovia is a city where each district has its own festival and character. One such district is La Albuera, which is located in the south of the city, over the Eresma river. La Albuera is a district with an agricultural and craft tradition, which has preserved many monuments and charms. Its festival is the Fiesta de San Lorenzo, which is celebrated on August 10, but it starts a few days earlier, offering a variety of attractions for residents and tourists.

The Fiesta de San Lorenzo begins on the Friday preceding August 10, when a mass is held in the parish church and bread is consecrated, which is distributed to the faithful. Then, a procession with the figure of the saint sets off, carried by members of the San Lorenzo brotherhood, dressed in white robes and red belts. The procession goes through the streets of the district, to the square, where a concert is held and the Albuereño del Año award is presented, awarded to a person or institution that has distinguished itself in social or cultural activities for the district.

On Saturday, a traditional market is held in the district, where you can buy or exchange various products, such as vegetables, fruits, cheeses, honeys, wines, oils, handicrafts, antiques, books, records, etc. The market is an opportunity to get to know local culture and cuisine, as well as to make contacts and friendships. At the market, you can also admire an exhibition of animals, such as horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits, etc. Among them, the asnal zamorano-leonesa breed, or Zamoran-Leonese donkey, stands out, which is considered a symbol of the district and is endangered.

On Sunday, a large paella popular is held in the district, which is a communal meal of rice with vegetables and meat, prepared by the association of Segovian cooks. The paella is served on large plates, which are shared by several people. While eating paella, you can enjoy wine, bread, and fruits. After the paella, a dance party with live music is held on the square, as well as various games and competitions for children and adults.

On Monday, a traditional concurso de calderetas is held in the district, which is a competition for the best dish of meat stewed in a pot with vegetables and spices. This competition is organized by peñas, or groups of friends, who participate in the festivals. Each peña prepares its own caldereta, which is judged by a jury composed of cooks and gastronomes. The prize for the winner is a trophy and a basket of regional products. After the competition, a concert and a fireworks display are held on the square.

The Fiesta de San Lorenzo is a festival that shows the spirit and tradition of the La Albuera district, which is proud of its history and culture. It is a festival full of flavors, smells, and colors, and encourages communal fun and integration. It is a festival that is part of the soul and heart of Segovia, and invites you to discover its secrets.

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