Complete Tourist Guide to Soria



Palace of the Audience in Soria

The Palacio de la Audiencia is a neoclassical building from the 18th century, located on the Plaza Mayor, opposite the Concatedral de San Pedro. It is one of the most representative and elegant monuments of Soria, which has served various functions throughout its history. Currently, it is a cultural center, offering a rich theatrical, musical, dance, and artistic program.

The Palacio de la Audiencia was built in the years 1779-1787 according to the design of the architect Antonio Serrano, who modeled it on the model of the royal palace in Madrid. The building was to serve as the seat of the city council, court, and prison. In 1808, during the war of independence, the building was occupied by French troops, who caused many destructions and loots.

In 1814, after the liberation of the city, the building was restored and again taken over by the city council. In 1835, after the administrative reform, the building became the seat of the provincial audience, i.e., the highest judicial body in the province. In 1862, a clock with bells, which became a symbol of the city, was mounted on the facade of the building. In 1986, after the audience was moved to another building, the building was converted into a cultural center. In 1999, the building was renovated and equipped with modern technical facilities.

The building has a rectangular plan and consists of two floors and an attic. On the ground floor, there is a portico with five arcades, the middle one is larger and adorned with the coat of arms of the bishop of Osma-Soria. On the first floor, there is a balcony with six windows, topped with triangular pediments. On the second floor, there are smaller windows with straight pediments. At the top of the building, there is an attic with a balustrade and a clock. The facade is made of red sandstone, which contrasts with the white plaster.

The interior of the building is divided into four parts: a hall, an exhibition hall, a conference room, and a theater. The hall is a spacious and bright room, where there is a reception and a cloakroom. The exhibition hall is a place where various artistic, historical, and cultural exhibitions are presented. The conference room is a place where meetings, seminars, and lectures are held.

The theater is the most important and largest part of the building, where 400 spectators can be accommodated. The theater is horseshoe-shaped and consists of a ground floor, two floors, and a box. The stage is 12 meters wide and 10 meters deep. The theater is equipped with modern lighting, sound, and scenographic systems. It is a place where you can see a variety of performances, such as theater plays, concerts, operas, ballets, musicals, recitals, festivals.

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